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[AHA2011]烟酸与调脂治疗研究进展——William Boden教授专访

作者:WilliamBoden 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/21 15:36:56 关键字:HDL-C LDL-C  甘油三酯 烟酸 William Boden 

     <International Circulation>:  Dr. Barder said that the larger study is coming out next year.  Do you know a clearer timeframe on that?

  《国际循环》: Barder博士指出明年将开展更大型的试验,你对此是否更清晰的期限?
    Prof. Boden:  He said somewhere between 18-24 months and plan to present at ACC in 2013.  In the meantime I don’t think we should throw the baby out with the bathwater.  We need to be cautious and judicious in how we prescribe niacin, although I don’t think we can conclude that it is a drug that we should abandon.  We need more outcomes data and we need to further analyses to see if we can identify various subgroups and what benefit they have from niacin.  We just haven’t had that opportunity yet. 

    Boden教授: 他说可能将在18~24个月后开展试验,并计划在2013年ACC前发表研究结果。同时,我并不赞同不分精华糟粕地全盘否定烟酸。我们需要小心谨慎地规定烟酸的使用。我并不认为:因为它是一种药物,我们就应该放弃使用。我们需要更多的研究数据和进一步的分析,以明确各个亚组及其烟酸的疗效。我们只是目前还没有机会来证实。

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