Steven Nissen 美国克利夫兰临床中心心血管医学部 <International Circulation>: You mentioned a CETP inhibitor in trials, can you tell us more about that?
《国际循环》:您在临床研究中提到过CETP抑制剂,你可以详细的介绍下吗? Prof. Nissen: It was a global study of patients treated with statins, although a group of them was treated with monotherapy, with a goal being to find what the lipid effects would be from a CETP inhibitor. In the monotherapy trial we studied three doses, 30mg, 100mg, and 500mg. In the highest dose HDL increased 128.8%, an amazing increase. In the same group LDL fell by 35.9%. That is large decrease in LDL and a huge increase in HDL. When we gave the drug with statins we used the 100mg dose and saw all the effects in monotherapy but on top of the statin effects. Most of those patients in the statin trial had HDL levels substantially higher than their LDL levels, with many having HDL levels over 100. We though the data was very promising, with none of the safety issues that had arisen during the development of torceptrapib, so we think that the data support could move this very quickly into a phase III mortality and morbidity trial. There were not intolerance issues, no apparent side effects, and blood pressure did not increase. We really saw no dangerous side effects whatsoever.
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